Cureatr: Med Rec Tool

User Experience Design • User Research • User Interface Design • Data Visualization

Completing a detailed patient medication reconciliation (Med Rec) is a tedious task. Even using a template or existing software, healthcare workers could seldom tell how much time it would take, between the patient consultation and background work, to create one.

My task was to take the guesswork and dead ends out of that process by researching, organizing, and visually designing a quick, simple tool for pharmacists, nurses, and doctors to complete and share a medication reconciliation with patients and one another. 

The Product

A tab within our existing Meds 360º product where primarily pharmacists (at first) would be able to complete a med rec, get it approved, and have it sent to the proper recipients. 

The Clients

Current Cureatr customers that have pharmacists on staff, as well as the new Cureatr Telepharmacist division that came about as a response to COVID-19 and this product.

The Team

  • Amy Gingold – Lead UI/UX Designer

  • Ben D. – Director of Product

  • Rose A. – Director of Clinical Pharmacy

  • 2 front end devs

  • 3 back end devs

The Brief




In user interviews with clients and healthcare professions about how they already used our medication management products, it became clear there were other productivity gaps in their jobs we could fill. Additionally, COVID-19 created a dire need to free up pharmacists’ time to help patients rather than do paperwork. 

Pain Points of creating Med Recs pre-Cureatr Meds 360º:

  • Searching for information about patients’s medications

  • Medication organization in most tools was tough to make sense of

  • Patients not knowing what they’re on or names of drugs

  • Going only on the word of the patient and what they choose to tell doctors about meds they’re on

  • Manually inputting med info for most patients

  • Vitamins and supplements hard to find in databases

  • Redundancy in info gathered by pharmacy technicians and pharmacists



Quick learning curve.
Anyone could understand it, not just healthcare professionals.

Straightforward interface—no useless features, only the most important information requested or surfaced.

Intuitive interactions, no dead ends that keep you from moving through the platform.

Easy medication and supplement search.
Finding supplements in the correct dosages is easy with Advanced Search.

Pharmacists pick up where Pharm Techs leave off.
Our tool takes the guesswork out of what patient info has already been gathered and documented.

Seamless integration with our Meds 360º Platform.
Easily toggling between different segments of our platform before and during a patient consultation was integral to product efficiency.

Top Goals & Insights



A few representative screens from the Med List Tool flow.

Created within Cureatr’s pre-existing framework.





We first tested this with a representative group of our new 1099 telepharmacists before launching it for select other customers. We learned a lot from a survey and some early interviews about what we could improve, but they largely told us we were on a great track.

Some Survey / Interview Findings:

  • Using Meds 360º WITH the Med Rec Tool saved pharmacists over 40% of the time they previously spent seeking out patient info and creating med recs

  • Pharmacists and nurses reached out every day to tell us how they couldn’t live without our products

  • The majority of survey participants said ease of use was their favorite aspect of the Med Rec Tool

  • 92% of survey respondents said they would not want to go back to their pre-Cureatr med lookup and med rec creation methods



There were so many plans for where to take this product next—there’s always room for improvement, and it would be so important moving forward to integrate this product even further with the rest of the platform.

A few future plans:

  • Several potential improvements brought up in interviews and surveys were already in the works!

  • Incorporating AI and beginning machine learning from insights we gathered on medications and patients

  • Interview optimizations based on early data collected, saving time for us and already overworked, stressed out healthcare workers

Next Steps